Thursday, December 27, 2007

Canine Triple Pelvic Osteotomy

There are delays in delivery of the bolivar

Five days after the entry into circulation of the new currency, the BCV has not finished distributing remittances fi nancial system. F100 Bs ticket is the one that has been slow to reach banks. Banking institutions are not ready to meet the demand for cash in the ticket office services and ATMs.
With the current existence of new notes and coins - currently under guard, "banks would not be ready to meet cash needs for box office services, or for dispensing through ATMs.
is unknown reason for the delay in the delivery of the Bs were sent to the banks on consignment, under the commitment that in the first 15 days of January will be paid the value of 20% of remittances BCV assigned to each entidadfinanciera. However, the monetary reform has meant that operational and technological deployment in such a short time which is not surprising that this situation is presented.
The central bank has not said how many new notes and coins were minted and printed. But economist Ronald Balza calculations indicate that to express the 18.4 billion bolivar cash circulating in Venezuela in November 2007 would have required at least 4.7 billion 1162.8 billion coins and banknotes.
is, at least 2,200 million pieces that actually records the BCV website.
banking for weeks has called, through the campaign waged in the media, which have invested more than three billion Bolivars. Special emphasis has been to clarify that both currencies circulate without any problem for much of 2008.
in unbanked areas the country (rural areas), the strong bolivar will not arrive until mid January 2008, because the Armed Forces will be responsible for safeguarding and distributing loads of banknotes and coins exchange centers that are appropriately identified. All transactions will continue performing in today's money with no problem.
The bank, meanwhile, is all set to adapt their systems to be shut down on December 31, beginning at 9 pm and until 2 am on 1 January 2008 to adjust its technology platforms to the new monetary expressions. Any inconvenience that may arise will be solved during the first day of year was declared a bank holiday. The operations are usually carried out even during such holidays shall not be made at this time. There will be no access to any electronic transaction, point of sale activated and Internet banking.
The call is for Venezuelans to take the necessary precautions, because since the morning of 31 bank transfers can not be performed because the clearing of the BCV will be adjusting their electronic systems and will not do operations for 24 hours.


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