seems that Ricardo caring Dolorier give a turtle and escapes them. It has no control over what happens in the region Ugel Lima, as almost all have irregularities, favoritism and accommodation not to mention overpriced purchases, which are a scandal, is more people in the past management of Nelson Chui have possession of strategic positions in some Ugel and are "working" with known suppliers, now happier with the repeal of the DU N ° 012, which allows them to make purchases and services, in addition to contracts for CAS, and cash, allowing them place their friends (as).
Dolorier, which almost never reaches the Drelp, but if he makes his advisers Cordoba and Koki, who abuse their kindness, they tell a story and make this teacher does not moralize the education sector.
present three examples:
Although it has been declared unfounded claim by HAPPY FLOWER ANANORA SAAVEDRA with case No. 00085-2007-0-1308-JR-CI-03 of the Second Interim Civil Court judicial district judge Huaura Medrano Hector Saavedra who settled the suit. Incidentally after the delay in sentencing as filed by FLOR ANANORA this dated March 24 with registration No. 3063-2011-HUAURA. Three years have remained stationary, possibly Enclose the investigation into the current head of the Huaura ODECMA.
Although you may not believe, having declared unfounded the claim by FLOWER HAPPY ANANORA SAAVEDRA, had to settle complaint filed by Dr. Jaime Constantino Orellana Velasquez, current head of the Huaura and ODECMA the complaint was submitted to the Control Body of the National Council of Magistrates, who fixed within five working days for this claim is resolved in the appropriate forum.
He had no national provision for compliance. The last ruled on March 31 Dr. Medrano Saavedra declared unfounded by decision demand ANANORA SAAVEDRA. Notifying the current director of the Cañete UGEL 08 last April 5 and notified the Public Prosecutor of Lima Regional Government on 4 April.
And when it seemed that the days were numbered for the director of the UGEL N º 08 de Cañete LIC HAPPY FLOWER ANANORA SAAVEDRA, incredibly until today have not removed from office not only for having completed their interim measure but because it has developed in almost 4 years of work, a disastrous job.
and had good sponsors in the judiciary, the director mentioned have good sponsors in the Drelp and the regional government of Lima.
UGEL N1 ° 13 Yauyos
By RDN ° 0015 January 12, 2011 was appointed Director of the UGEL N ° 13 Yauyos, Attorney Antimio Wilder Saravia Santisteban, his only merit proclaim Yauyino child born in the capital of the Province of Yauyos. Experience?, No. But he was given the opportunity to request Arbieto and Juan Pablo Quispe and it seems that not only did not work but its mediocre management is reaching the limit of indignation.
When Alvarado was running for regional president, said he was going to moralize and to change the current state of management Chui, and even a new policy and accompanied by new professionals would develop a new way of working for the benefit of the corrupt people and would have no place.
director But this scoundrel, that many said was a rookie, turned out to be surrounded by very experienced people from the past administration of Nelson Chui and thus less than the cock crows learned the tricks and the contract as Chief AGA to CPC. José Luis Chumbes Garcia, who during the 4 years of management Chui, was administrator of nearly all the region Ugel Lima.
Alvarado Did not say it was the change and the scoundrels of the past administration would no longer fit. So how are well camouflaged this administrator?, As healthy is that Saravia Santisteban UGEL leave immediately, if there is willingness to change course and if Alvarado is word.
On Monday April 18th is the day of payment of salaries for administrative and teaching in all Ugel in the Lima region, however not so lucky that Huarochiri shall not have been made to the respective payment schedules. As is known such return is made overnight and in doing so only on Monday, the payment of new assets may become effective on Tuesday, if God permits.
Why did not the forms in day Friday then?, the reason is because that day was the birthday of the current Director Zaida Trejo and celebrated with a hearty and tasty lunch in the area of \u200b\u200bCupich, before Ricardo Palma, coming from Matucana.
also indicate that the charge of making the returns, a certain Elvis Flores Sandoval resigned for harassment, because the manager decided to rotate the area of \u200b\u200bAGA AGI.
haurochiranos teachers why the surprise will not charge that on Monday, suddenly and may do so only on Tuesday.
Here it is a repetitive thing. Dolorier seems that recently was around here, not interested in change or moralizing. This is an irregularity, including existing on the management of the psychologist Merle Rita Santos, "Director UGEL Sing No. 12."
Since the hiring process has mysteriously appeared a document allegedly prepared by the teachers hired, detailing the conduct of that process and providing support to the management of the psychologist, but the alarming is that the document is on the table of parts of the UGEL N ° 12, where contract teachers who are going to pick up your termination of contracts, are conditioned to sign the document, making it look like it's a position closer to pickup of DR. In the document attached to this article, which can be further noted that one of the sheets in which the teachers sign, is UGEL letterhead.
- Other irregularities:
Complaints that have been hired personnel in the UGEL without competition, is the case of 4 personal view their fees for petty cash or by CAS
They claim that has been conditioned to directors (as) of IISS and Zapan Macas to hire the nieces of the Director, through the regular evaluation process, and intimidating to those principals (as) to be positions of trust only
accusations that have hired staff in positions of trust ( AGP chief, CFO, Administrator), and giving them 8 "PER DIEM" each of 120.00 soles and unsustainable, and to those have been changed and still did not justify anything, not to mention Treasurers have brought no contest, but the strange thing is that several times and DRELP Regional Government has come to monitor, and found "all regular" without comment of any kind.
Hopefully after this report, the Drelp have the courage to investigate and dismiss those who not only dented his own image but that of the current regional president Javier Alvarado, who should worry about their management before they Lap top giving the Ministry of Education, passing them off as if it were a product of their work.
We should add that we must thank some Ugel that are working properly, no hints of malfeasance or nothing wrong, we urge them to continue along that path.
It is time for moralizing, it is time for change, logically if the will or is already in collusion with the past administration, to protect them and keep them close.
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