Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cartier Trinity Ring Review

In these times where everything runs extremely fast, where want to pick the fruit at the same time we planted , where you want to reach the top at any price as long as it immediately, especially in these times, I would like to give my personal theory about the difference between success and prestige .

Without going into who was to blame, what is clear is that certain values \u200b\u200b previously and transmitted took care have been usurped by gold rush, and as a variant of it, the elevation of the success to a new category of "deity."

However, and I say this from experience, just as success is often the way of normal, the effort, consistency and method, also often happens that, once achieved, the sirens of money, power fictional, the notoriety and get compliments our particular Ulysses remove cerumen from the ears and succumb to stupidity, ignorance and complacency own a peacock will soon be cooking for Christmas.

Unfortunately for them, when they realize they are coated in sauce and placed on the dish to be eaten by neglect, contempt, and by the unjust sentence: "But what he thought ... "while desperately seeking to crown the next peacock.

Fortunately for the example of many athletes and people, there are others that when they achieve success, is shielding his ears with a double layer of wax and not only resist the siren whistles will go mad, but take advantage of this situation to hold their behaviors and attitudes within and outside their stage to reaffirm the path that has led to the goal and to serve as a role model to others.

For me, the former are the banners of the so-called success , the actors in a Big Brother who have their 10 minutes of fame and then good riddance. Poor things, they believe that money will make them immune.

Seconds are holders of prestigious , those who draw a line of conduct are vital and without deviating one iota, change what you change the environment and personal circumstances. And they do it for consistency and because they understand that winning is responsibility more than an award.

In recent months we have seen paradigms of both models in many of our most prominent athletes, but also in the business, financial and political. As I still listed as an idealist or a romantic, I'm hanging on table to help me not to drown in what I think is a sea of \u200b\u200bvulgarity . why I am completely happy that the three finalists for the Golden Ball FIFA are Messi, Xavi and Iniesta of my love, I would say the great Camacho.

Merry Christmas and if you can, eat a turkey.


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