Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Period Thick White Thick

The Can!

Throughout my professional life I have devoted much time to think and work in the field of personnel management , theme really exciting and you just never know everything.

Within this field of human endeavor, I advocate that the essence of good and evil that we are living is based on existing scales values \u200b\u200bor what is more dramatic, which would existence of values \u200b\u200bwhich would lead to the evolution of the individual, institutions and society in general.

Every individual, every institution, every nation, every generation, every civilization has been establishing a foundation, principles, ideas, around which they have built relationships, ideologies, habits, customs, ... life.
For me the world of sport is set of values \u200b\u200bthat is crucial (necessary but not sufficient, of course) so you can practice any sport and try to be in the same elite. The assumption of these values \u200b\u200bdoes not guarantee success, but their absence does guarantee failure.

What I mean?, What values \u200b\u200bare included in this group?
I will list them, the ambition to be exhaustive, but trying to close as much as possible the whole, I am referring to:

• Effort • Fighting • Overcoming

• The ability to sacrifice

• Consistency • The ability to recover from failure and adversity (resilience)
• The strength of spirit

All are on hand for anyone available to all, only demand desire, ambition, desire ... and hard work. I believe in the work as a way of claiming a space in what they want to move .

There is nothing we can not achieve if we try enough.
To me, Oscar Pistorius (I incorporated an address for those who do not know or want to see it in action http://oscarpistorius.com/) is a living example of the coping capacity of human beings.

Given his personal situation, "the man without legs" as he defines it, could have chosen other sports, which were apparently better suited to their reality. No, he wanted to run, he wanted to run and show the world that he did not accept the barriers that life had wanted to impose and decided to run.

is currently struggling because they no longer compete with those who have their apparent limitations. I always thought that Happiness is on the road, in the attempt, not the achievement that is usually transient and in many cases, the day after is disappointing, therefore, not know if I get but I think trying is setting a great example for many and no doubt he is happy .

Can! very usuada Perhaps a word, you might trite, but no less valid. if we ever stop trying! Indeed "together" is much more powerful, and above all, more fun.

we together!


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