Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Realflight G2 Controller Linux



Now that he is not demagogic talk about the distractions of little run or maratoncitas or empty verbiage ... .. etc


Auditorium of Hostal La Villa de Huacho


government plans organized by the JNE to the second round of voting in the Lima region


"Brothers and sisters, I promise that next February 15, 2011, I will deliver 10 thousand laptops for teachers, 128 ambulances to district mayors and a pool of machines to the provincial and district mayors the region.

Today we remember the date, that as the limit of compromise, made a liar of Javier Alvarado on that fateful day, the electoral debate in the second round regional.


tape recording, which clearly said

"I am a man I honor my word"

February 15, 2010

And this day shall be known as the day the biggest liar in the Lima region.

about to lose the small north, regional headquarters, it is timely to remind the mayor mythomaniac president, who for more send or threats or insults, we are still people who will denounce it, without fear or dread.

may call, starved, and any other kind of adjectives own despair, but the truth is that it does what it said two weeks ago


Today we Alvarado, despair and political campaign, and that does not skimp on spending the people's money, absorbed as we see tremendous placed billboards with his face, in every province and every district with the motto "promise kept."

That laughable publicity, surely advising him to make so great stupidity, I must hate.

That promise kept talking about:

does delivery of thousands of lap tops for all teachers in the Lima region?

does the delivery of a pool of machines to each province and 128 districts?

delivery does ambulance to the 128 districts and 9 provinces?

does delivery of thousands of poles red color of his party, with your name, shamelessly using the people's money for advertising and egotism?

paint does have sent all the trucks in the region with its logo and name?

does delivery addresses and hospitals UGELs scoundrels with consensual judgments rendered by various illegal?

Do not have made any changes and that the previous administration officials, who were called corrupt, remain in the DIRESA, DRA and DRELP?

does surround himself with people engaged in illegal acts ESEMSA PARAMONGA, as the wheel, Tamayo and Illich, in GRLP?

Responsible for the alleged loss of more than 1 million 300 thousand nuevos soles, such as the current mayor has denounced paramonguino Roberto Díaz.

do still have the personal adviser sentenced man named Roger Taboada only thing he can do is insult and threaten us, how many wins?

What regional public hearings, which are a circus, and even worse using the people's money, but these have no binding offers have neither the security, if completed in the future?

do to as "responsible" for the zonal office of the province's brother Huarochirí General Manager, who uses the van for all of us, for personal use, except for the monitoring of "works", just check the car's GPS?

This is a government of shame, a government of improvisation and lies.

Promise fulfilled in:

1 .= millionaires wages that are a slap in the face poverty and hitting the faces of the poor people, such as a rural school teacher, has to work a year to earn what their CEO makes in a month.

2 .= renting vans and the misuse of them, officials brought by him from Lima and Cañete.

Huacho 3 .= that is about to lose their regional headquarters, because it gave the win to prove to the prosecutor or any lawyer, of the many that surround it, to defend this province TC on 14 January?

4 .= To know all irregularities of its officials, and not make the necessary changes, to break his word when he said, that the slightest complaint, dismissing the charge.

5 .= Chui De opening works, and present them as their own.

6 .= In making our region the most chaotic, the most neglected and of course the biggest spender on advertising for their ruler.

7 .= of colluding with bad advisers, to transgress the rules and avoid the control of mismanagement. These bad advisers are silent, betraying not only the party that gave them that position, but the people who innocently voted for these judas fifth.

8 .= have a mercenary press, addicted and Sobon, critical attitude that campaign, when he said Chui, held a press garbage that hid the alleged corruption of his administration.

9 .= of shortages of medicines and medical personnel in districts like Mariatana Olleros and Santo Domingo, the provincial municipality of Huarochirí has \u200b\u200bhad to declare an imminent emergency. While the director of the health network, a thousand times denounced and challenged, performs work policy in each district of the province. Of course, very alien to its real responsibility.

10 .= misrule is so obvious that even a blind can perceive it, so in the regional final public hearing, the cañetano people, who voted overwhelmingly for him, he turned away.

.= 11 In the high salaries of UNDP funds, which by dial consultancies hired people without being bankrupt or have demonstrated their professional merits. Salaries political people, exceeding 5.500 nuevos soles per month ...

That promise fulfilled speaks cañetano mythomaniac bamba.

probably of that for us ... ... ..

There are many things that people already know, that darken the management of Alvarado.

still missing many months, we expect to fulfill his promise of change.

And do not waste your time, sending sycophants, and Sobon mermeleros insult.

Currently their slanders are a high honor for the hunter.

that time, I dedicate to apologize to the people, their lies, their smoke screens from their mistakes, their advisers fifth, etc ... to make a mea culpa to all.

not waste your time insulting. This is the truth and so this date will always be unpleasant reminder to us all

Mr Alvarado, Happy February 15, 2011 ... ... ..


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