Watching some tourist brochures of the city Brazilian we realize that merely presenting it as ideal for shopping or business, since most of its visitors are business people. We imagine that this is due in part to the fame attached to it, which is not entirely fair nor healthy for a city of many attractions secrets.
While much of the wealth produced in the country is administered in São Paulo, the city's infrastructure makes it one of the major market centers worldwide. Its hotel network, extensive and diversified, offering options with high levels of comfort and services, is a cosmopolitan city with modern buildings of its business centers, headquarters of the leading national and international as well as entire neighborhoods devoted 100% to trade, attracting crowds in search of the most varied types of products.
The main feature of São Paulo, Brazil's largest city and the world's fourth most populated (10.5 million) - is that it is a cultural mosaic formed by the legacy of immigrants from all over the world and the Brazilians from all regions of the country, settled there and mixed.
On the streets of São Paulo, which numbers and constructs can be rightly called "one of the great giants of Latin America, the Brazilians are friendly and hospitable: like to share what they have not be pleased until they see the visitor the same smile that they give away. Can be straight, without hesitation when the treatment efficiency or time demands, but the norm is the spirit of brotherhood, even though the tongue does not contribute much to the media.
this city are made in businesses of all sizes. Undoubtedly has one of the largest shopping areas in South America and the largest in Brazil. Where to find all types of items, from crafts made by Indians in the Amazon jungle, even clothes of the finest European brands.
The city has dozens of huge shopping commercial stores each. In addition, there are whole streets specializing in the sale of any article of clothing (women's clothing for men, shoes, underwear, etc..).

In this section details some of the most distinctive places to shop and walk to see all kinds of articles in more typical environments in Sao Paulo. Enjoy the ride and bring a bag to put the purchase.
Praça da República (access from Avenida Ipiranga) - Centro (Metro Republic) Hours: Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 17h .. Among the fairs arts and crafts, the most famous are those of the Praça da República and the Trianon, at Avenida Paulista.
, s / n - Pinheiros (Metro Sumaré) .. Hours: Saturday from 8 am to 18h .., the hippest, Attended by an audience a little more challenging - even artists and decorators - takes place every Saturday from eight in the morning at seven p.m. . Are almost 300 vendors who sell, plus crafts, antiques, new and pre-owned clothing, vinyl records (LPs), toys, china and rustic furniture and 'hippie'.
Praça Dom Orione - Bela Vista (Bixiga) Time: Sunday from 10h to 18h ... But if you look only antiques, there are other more specific, such as fair Bixiga in Praça Dom Orione, which takes place every Sunday and offers from magazines, books and clothes to lamps, furniture and decorative pieces. The antique dealers in the region are often also open to take advantage of the public. Every Sunday, on Avenida Paulista, Masp Fair 20 years ago brings together collectors and exhibitors who receive thousands of people looking for rarities, paintings, sculptures, lamps, chandeliers, coins and household items.
Trianon Paulista Avenue, (corner of Rua Peixoto Gomide) - Cerqueira César (Metro Trianon / MASP) Time: Sunday from 10h to 17h Near Museum ... Artes de São Paulo, but on the other side of the avenue, is the Craft Fair of Trianon (in front of the park Tenente Siqueira Campos, known as Trianon). There, visitors find ornaments, candles, trinkets, clothes, soap, incense and wooden objects, among other curiosities. In the same region, is the Arts and Crafts Fair and Culture José Bonifacio, which brings together 50 exhibitors on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from eight in the morning until five in the afternoon, in the old town.
Avenida Europa, 218 - Jardim Europa.Horario: Sunday, 10am to 18h ... Antique fairs Brazilian Museum of Sculpture (Mubea) and the shopping center Eldorado also are excellent choices. In addition, near the Avenida Luis Carlos Berrini, in Brooklin region, is the Arts Fair Praça Gentil Falcão. Opened in October 2007, operates from nine o'clock until four in the afternoon, Tuesday, and features 60 exhibitors offering their crafts, art, oriental cuisine, chocolates and sweets Syrian art, among other products. Another attraction in the Berrini region is the Arts and Crafts Fair Gararapes, which opens on Wednesday, ten in the morning at four o'clock.
Oscar Freire Street
This street is where they concentrate most prestigious shops in the city. "Mystery Shopping International considers it one of the 10 world's most luxurious streets. It has a huge variety of options for those who are willing to pay for luxury and sophistication. Jewelry, cars, beauty products and even a golf course, is what you'll find in this area of \u200b\u200bSao Paulo.
Calle 25 de Marco
This street is the most visited shopping area of \u200b\u200bSao Paulo, with more than 500,000 people buy every day! Here you will find products at very affordable prices, ideal for bring lots of gifts for your friends and family back home. Find jewelry, curtains, decorations, etc.. The street has a history dating back over 150 years, when it was originally a river with a small commercial port.
Street Bras Bras Street When visiting be sure to be prepared for an afternoon of shopping without stopping! The stores specialize in clothing for women and most of them have great discounts that attract hundreds of people every day. It has more than 6,000 commercial establishments along the 3 km covering the neighborhood. Originally an industrial center consisting of foreigners from all over the world.
Galeria do Rock
Right in the heart of the city lies this amazing shopping center 5-storey dedicated exclusively to the music Rock and Heavy Metal. If you have a passion for music of this type, Galeria do Rock is a must. It has over 140 shops selling clothes, jewelry, decoration, CD's, DVD's and even rock LP! There are very rare items are also for sale to the highest bidder. If you're lucky, some international and national bands come together to make this mall for autograph sessions. Visit this fabulous place for a unique experience!
Shopping Morumbi
This colossal center comercial está ubicado en la zona sur de Sao Paulo. Fue fundado en 1982 y desde entonces ha sido la base administrativa de varias empresas de la ciudad. En él hay más de 450 tiendas que van de lo moderno a lo sofisticado. Ofrece una área exclusiva para la moda llamada "Morumbi Fashion" con grandes tiendas nacionales e internacionales. Además, dispone de una zona con más de 20 restaurantes para que no tenga que preocuparse si siente hambre mientras hace sus compras. Se encuentra convenientemente cerca de los hoteles más prestigiosos y de la zona residencial con mayor poder adquisitivo de Sao Paulo.
Shopping Ibirapuera
Es otro gigantesco 4-storey mall of shops and 6 for parking. It has over 400 stores and 3 dining areas and restaurants. More than 80,000 people attend every day Ibirapuera Shopping to find high quality products. Opened in 1976, making it one of the oldest and most respected centers of Sao Paulo.
Liberdade Praça da Liberdade
, s / n - Liberdade (Metro Liberdade) Hours: Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 17h ... Instead of Chinatown, Sao Paulo has the Japantown or "Japantown." The city has the largest Japanese population outside the country. Community is exactly in the district called Liberdade, which will make you feel transported to the streets of Tokyo because of its architecture and shopping with a clear Japanese influence. Here you get various Asian products in the neighborhood square with the same name, a stronghold of the Japanese community in São Paulo. It takes place 30 years ago, Saturday and Sunday with over 200 stalls offering handmade jewelry, rugs, lantern, bonsai, aquarium fish and stuff in general, and many oriental items. There are also several food stalls with typical true delicacies like yakisoba and tempura.
This great market was founded in 1928 as a tribute to urban development that the city was experiencing due to the successful coffee business. After more than 75 years, still continues to impress his impeccable neo-classical architectural style. Inside you'll find stores selling foodstuffs such as fruit unique to the area, and even off-season, restaurants, dry goods, handicrafts and many other things. The market offers a unique experience for all senses.
addition, there are many more fairs and events such as Gentil Falcão, Guararapes, MASP, Shopping Eldorado ... So you can not bore you planning a day of shopping in this great metropolis of Sao Paulo and crafts, antiques, flea market and more .. not hiding in a dark and mysterious, but you breathe clean and fresh air continuously, filling with joy and energy to the city ...