Friday, August 27, 2010

Top 10 Ecchi Mature Anime 2010

wood and food ...

Capoeira is an art-control used in Brazil in colonial times. It was developed by African slaves, practices, training and preparing the body to flee from their employers. It was thus a very valuable form of struggle for the defense of freedom, in fact or in law, freed blacks.

This method of fighting was disguised as dance and music accompanied to avoid scrutiny of the oppressors, until a change in social conditions and a reduction of police repression made, nearly a hundred years ago, finally becomes a game and in training with friends, a camouflage that today is one of the most characteristic features of the Capoeria and becomes a unique cultural event.

Capoeira has a historical background, cultural and artistic great. You can not separate its sporty look, its artistic component, otherwise it would not be Capoeira.

This section will try to cover most art of Capoeira, showing its history, meaning, the most important, etc.

Law 487, temporarily ended with Capoeira. Many of his supporters remain in exile in São Paulo, inside, doing hard labor. Master Bimba, is considered the father of modern Capoeira, not only for having acted decisively in the liberation, but also for being the first to give a didactic teaching and indoors. Master Bimba created the style "Regional". The style "Angola" took Vicente Joaquim Ferreira Pastinha his most worthy representative. Today Capoeira is not a privilege of Bahia or Rio de Janeiro, having spread throughout Brazil with great success. It became a competitive sport, according to the resolution of the National Sports Council in 1972. On the outside was already practiced in over 60 countries. It is noted the great influence of music in Capoeira. Few or too rare are the martial strife whose evolution is linked to the sound of instruments.

Capoeira has in his martial art concept of ways in which the music becomes a necessity. Percussion sounds giving a rhythm to the body, which sound vibrations are encouraged to such an extent that scholars agree that the sound used in Capoeira causes conscious and unconscious reactions strength in the player. The capoeira surrender of body and mind that are very psychological and body language interpretation. Together, the two get in Capoeira fascinating outcome where the music is a fundamental part in the whole fight. The music brings to a wheel of Capoeira, a lot of psychological strength, a union of all those who participate. That union, the strength of thought of each brings a strong and vibrant emotion wheel. Against starting a capoeira without music or other sound, does not raise the same motivation, leaving participants less excited and decentralized. The lyrics of the songs, mostly simple, talk about slaves, liberty oppressed. You play with feeling. Many of them bring some or a lot of emotion with singing and the listener. "Master bourgeois" "Practicing Capoeira is one of the easiest ways to express the desire to be free in the movements, and indeed be Brazilian"

as defined in the dictionary compiled by Brazilian folklore Luis da Camara Cascudo, dating from 1954, capoeira is a game defensively and offensively, of black origin, introduced in Brazil by Bantu blacks of Angola, spread throughout the Brazilian territory, where they remembered the "Mestre" famous for its agility.

Since the early nineteenth century was repressed by police and has devotees and admirers of all kinds, becoming a danger to life to assist the passage of certain bands and carnival groups, popular favorites at parties and inevitably attacked by the malts opponents, wounding and killing innocent bystanders.

In Recife and Rio de Janeiro, capoeira was a street game weapon "thug" with a special nomenclature for damage, especially when done with many legs, barking, crawling, scissors, tail -de-arraia. Legend capoeiristas quoted as invincible, appearing at parties and breaking the charm of them, increasing the prestige of yourself or your group.

In Bahia the "capoeira" fight in a particular and curious working out amicably with his adversaries, to the sound of percussion instruments "berinbau" marking the accelerating pace of the game to musical collaboration.

In Rio de Janeiro and Reef does not exist, as there is no news on other states, synchronized capoeira, capoeira de Angola or the batuque-boi. In the early years of the Republican regime in Brazil, the police faced the capoeira in a war to death. The capoeira is divided into two groups, and guaiamus Nagos, protected and used by many politicians as a tool to intimidate enemies. The fight lasted until 1890, ending the terrible political institutionalization

The word Capoeira comes from the Tupi (kapuera), and originally has two meanings: not thick jungle or kind of basket or cage for carrying animals and foods. From this dual significance etymology, history and folklore begin to argue over the cradle of capoeira, which can be rural or urban.

RURAL advocated by birth in the field between large sugar plantations and mills where the forest clearings served as a channel to drain the black rebels and training in the off hours.

URBAN remember almost innocent games that take place on farms and has evolved into a martial art.

However, you can not say whether capoeira is a native of Brazil, as it is the existence of similar body play Cuba (Mani) and Martinique (Ladja) which proves, however, that the seed is brought into the customs in the holds of slave ships also went to the Caribbean.


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