Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Do Dog Nipples Look Like When Not Pregnant

Sao Vicente, ...

São Vicente (English language meaning San Vicente) is a Brazilian municipality of São Paulo, which has a population of 329,370 inhabitants (estimates IBGE/2006) and an area of \u200b\u200b148 km ², giving a population density of 2123.73 inhabitants per km ². It is officially considered a spa.

was the first village founded by the Portuguese in the Americas and the first in Brazil in 1532. Today, the city, located in the western half of the island of San Vicente, which it shares with Santos, bases its economy on tourism.

Aborigines inhabited the region since at least 8000 years. Upon arrival of the Europeans inhabited the present territory of São Paulo various indigenous peoples, mainly Guarani mbyá, itinerant gardeners, hunters, gatherers and fishermen, who performed seasonal routes in their territories, according to their ideas and cultural practices and to ensure livelihood and welfare. In the basin Tiete River Kaingang inhabited by a nomadic people.

Domingos Jorge Velho, one of the Bandeirantes of São Vicente São Paulo.El name was given by Amerigo Vespucci, 22 January 1502, when he made trip to map the coast of Brazil . When passed through the region, found two islands (where they are today the cities of Santos and São Vicente in the island of São Vicente, and the city of Guaruja on the island of Santo Amaro) and an estuary, which was found to be a river. It was the day of San Vicente and the town having been baptized.

The first settlement of São Vicente was not official. There was left a man who was known as the Bacharel Cananéia. According to many historians, he would have been Cosme Fernandes Pessoa Portuguese, the true founder of São Vicente, from where in fact ruled and controlled trade in the region. According to a document found by the Portuguese historian Jaime Cortesão, the Bacharel, a degredado, and live in Brazil before Cabral's arrival: he is quoted in a document dated 24 April 1499, discovered by Cortesão, which is reported to an unofficial trip Bartolomeu Dias in Brazil. Another document from 1526, describes the village of São Vicente, reporting that would have a dozen houses, being only a stone with a tower for defense. Cosme Fernandes Pessoa was charged with the King of Portugal, by two friends who in turn received grants of lands, to maintain relations with English people living farther south, endangering the Portuguese rule in the region.

Martim Afonso de Sousa left for Brazil with different objectives. The first was to formally establish the colonization of Brazil, confirming the power of the crown. In consequence, he stressed the power of the hands of Cosme Fernandes Pessoa. Notice, the fire Bacharel local and retired staff to Cananéia.

Martim Afonso de Sousa was officially founded the town of São Vicente in the place where the ruins were above on the date of January 22, 1532. In 1536 the Cananéia Bacharel (or Bacharel Cosme) attacked, looted and burned the town, hanging the old friend and traitor Henry Montes. This is the last historical record of the Bacharel Cananéia. Martim Afonso de Sousa sesmarias distributed and made several buildings, leaving São Vicente populated and organized.

The port of São Vicente was the target of the first major ecological disaster in Brazil: the land riba to sea was clean and cultivated. As the sandy soil and having the soil lost its protective coating, the rains brought the sand to the sea.

Martim Afonso de Sousa left San Vicente on May 22, 1533, leaving the administration in the hands of Brás Cubas, who, due to sedimentation of sand in the port - only communication with the Portuguese metropolis - and the attack Cananéia Bacharel to Sao Vicente, decided to set up a new port in the region of Enguaguaçu, more secure local, where he was transferred to the port in 1536, establishing a village there. The simple fact of being indigenous local name and not Portuguese, it shows that the initiative was not official. Brás Cubas settlers attracted to areas around there and founded a settlement, what future be known as Santos and promoted improvements, such as construction of the first Santa Casa de Brasil. São Vicente is entering into decline.

Although there is news of the existence of Portuguese women in the fleet of Martim Afonso de Sousa, were not found yet written records. The first written record on the Portuguese women coming to Brazil dates back to 1550. So the mothers were generally mestizo or Indian.

The founding of São Vicente on the coast of São Paulo began the process of colonization of Brazil as a systematic policy of the Portuguese government, motivated by the presence of aliens that threaten the possession of the land. Of course, before that there was already a core Portuguese, that, like other coastal regions, was established by shipwrecked and dated, probably, the beginning of the sixteenth century. It was, however, during the stay of Martim Afonso de Sousa was founded on January 20, 1532, the village of São Vicente and it installed the first effective framework of Brazilian colonization.

The name of São Vicente extended to the hereditary captaincy donated to the same Martim Afonso de Sousa by the King of Portugal. So the first name of São Paulo was captaincy of São Vicente.

Despite the many difficulties in transposing the Sierra del Mar, the fields in the highlands immediately attracted the settlers, São Paulo made an exception in the type of colonization by the Portuguese in the early days, which fixed mostly on the coast. Thus, in 1553, the Jesuits established the town of Santo André. The following year, parents of the Society of Jesus founded in Piratininga a school for Indians, the birthplace of the modern city of São Paulo.

The coast, close by the presence of the mountains, did not meet the conditions for the development of large plantations. For its part, the plateau was the serious obstacle of Camino del Mar, which, instead of connecting, Piratininga isolated the region, denying it access to the ocean, and thus the ease of transport. Consequently, the captain was left was left to a lower economic plan, successfully prevented from producing the great agricultural product of colonial Brazil, sugar cane, and to compete with the main area sucrera of the time, represented by Pernambuco and Bahia.

In 1556 the Guarani formed the Confederation of Tamoios (Tamoio major, elderly) and rebelled against the Portuguese in the entire north of Sao Paulo, meaning, starting with Bertioga, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro to Cabo Frio, participating in the uprising of tribes located throughout the Valley of Paraíba, in the captaincy of San Vicente. Allied with the French achieved important victories, until the Jesuits Nóbrega and Anchieta means to establish a truce, which finally broke the Portuguese in 1565, Estacio de Sa received reinforcements, and after two years of struggle to beat both the French and the Guarani .

Today is a great city historical importance, São Vicente with many testimonies of this glorious past, as the site of the house of Martim Afonso de Sousa. First port of Brazil, from here out expeditions to explore the South of Brazil (Santa Catarina) and the mouth of the Rio de la Plata.

A city steeped in history but also with events and attractions that delight the many visitors, especially during the summer. With good restaurants, bars and nightclubs, the night on the island of São Vicente has too many attractions on the island as Porchat.


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